Two for the price of One !!
On Thursday 12th October Meridian Council was pleased to welcome the District Grand Prefect to their Installation Meeting at Preston Masonic Hall.
After being welcomed by Gordon Pilkington W.M., the District Prefect Paul Snape went on to say how it was good it was to be able to meet again and looked forward to an enjoyable day.
Gordon Pilkington and David Winder
The next business was the Installation as Master.
Bro. David Winder  was then Installed as Master of the Council for the ensuing year by Gordon Pilkington in an excellent manner.
Jon Measures, David Winder, Paul Snape
Following the Installation was the Introduction to the Order of Jon Measures, the Ceremony of Admission into the Degree of St. Lawrence the Martyr, was conducted by the Master David Winder, the Lecture was presented by Geoff Catterall.
The District Prefect then welcomed Jon Measures to the Order, hoping he had a long and fruitful membership of the Order.
Enjoying a nice cup of Tea
At the end of the meeting, the District Grand Prefect Paul Snape congratulated David on becoming Master of Meridian Council, wishing him well for the future.
He also thanked Gordon Pilkington for his work Installing his successor and for his work since October 2019.
Tony Farrar, Bob McGown, John Forster
In reply David Winder as Master thanked the District Grand Prefect for his kind comments and invited everyone to well earned refreshment.
Report and Photos from our Roving Reporter